Film selections were made by visitors to the Panorama who responded to a survey that asked them to recall a specific scene from a movie they felt illustrated their experience, attitude, or expectations of New York City. The first seven scene selections were presented from August to December, 2002; the second from January to June, 2003.

Next to each screen was a label showing a still from the real movie, while on the LCD screen appeared a live feed from the Panorama of the scene in question. Woody Allen’s Manhattan (1977) and Spike Lee’s Do the Right Thing (1989) were among the common cinematic references.

Film selections were made by visitors to the Panorama who responded to a survey that asked them to recall a specific scene from a movie they felt illustrated their experience, attitude, or expectations of New York City. The first seven scene selections were presented from August to December, 2002; the second from January to June, 2003.
Next to each screen was a label showing a still from the real movie, while on the LCD screen appeared a live feed from the Panorama of the scene in question. Woody Allen’s Manhattan (1977) and Spike Lee’s Do the Right Thing (1989) were among the common cinematic references.